Feature Image: Traffic Calming Measures Urgently Needed For Kanturk by Becky Kealy

There are renewed calls for traffic calming measures to be installed in Kanturk as a matter of urgency.

Aontú’s Becky Kealy says she is being inundated with complaints from concerned residents who say they are worried about speeding vehicles and fear accidents and loss of life.

She says:

This is one of the biggest issues I am hearing about while canvassing in the area. People are genuinely concerned. They have to contend with speeding vehicles who are clearly driving far too quickly for the area. They have little regard for the safety of pedestrians and other road users, including cyclists.

It is a very serious issue that is being compounded by the desperate state of the footpaths which are trip hazards, full of uneven surfaces and jagged torn up edges. Pedestrians, many of whom are parents with little children in buggies, have to step off the paths to try and avoid falling or twisting their ankles and they are being placed in further danger by walking on the roads. It is blatant disregard for safety and like everything else the council will no doubt face hefty bills for slips, trips and falls and once again this will eat into resources that could be better spent elsewhere.

To add insult to injury, the lighting in so many parts of Kanturk is dim to say the least, and people are crying out for adequate lighting. Good lighting is absolutely crucial for safety and it is simply not fair that the people of Kanturk are being so badly served by the lack of these basic measures.

It’s simply not good enough that people have to negotiate broken up footpaths and contend with the lack of traffic calming measures, coupled with inadequate, poor lighting. These are simple things to put right if the will is there and I am going to keep at Cork County Council to ensure it takes action on these vital safety measures without delay.

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About the author : Gary Pacheco

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