Blogs & Articles

1005, 2024

Call For State Investment In Foster Care To Affect Real And Lasting Positive Change

By |May 10th, 2024|Categories: Press Releases|0 Comments

There has been a call for increased funding for training courses and education for foster parents in a bid to better equip them and their families in supporting young [...]

2604, 2024

Politicians Referendum Volte – Face Is An Absolute Embarrassment

By |April 26th, 2024|Categories: Press Releases|0 Comments

The spectre of politicians tripping over themselves to claim that while they campaigned for a Yes Yes vote on the Family and Care Amendments in last weekend’s referendum, they flipped [...]

2604, 2024

All Stillborn Babies Must Be Included In National Register

By |April 26th, 2024|Categories: Press Releases|0 Comments

Aontú is resubmitting a Bill which would see all stillborn babies included on a national register irrespective of the length of their gestation or their weight. Currently only stillborn [...]

2604, 2024

The Long Wait For Driving Tests Continues As Numbers Of Testers Fall

By |April 26th, 2024|Categories: Press Releases|0 Comments

Learner drivers in Co. Cork are still having to wait almost 5 months for a test. Figures released to Aontú through a PQ (Parliamentary Question) show that in the Mallow test [...]

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